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TmaxGAIA is an IT solutions provider company that is transforming the landscape of
next-generation office software, document management solutions, and no-code platforms.

TmaxGAIA is a leading provider of converged IT solutions, offering tailored solutions to businesses, public sectors, and various industries, in order to optimize their use of document programs, collaboration tools, and app development platforms.

TmaxGAIA leverages cutting-edge technologies including AI, metaverse, and cloud solutions from the Tmax Group to enhance productivity and streamline workflows by empowering collaborative work with advanced document programs and centralized data management,
and supporting the development of no-code-based applications.


In order to provide a different vision to companies in their digital transformation journey, TmaxGAIA offers document-based collaboration and asset-based data management services through DB conversion, and a sophisticated solution that enables direct creation of user-customized apps, which sets new standards for digital transformation.

With our expertise in both online and offline business operations, TmaxGAIA aims to provide tailored operational solutions that meet the diverse needs of our clients. We always thrive to deliver an efficient service environments for both our clients and their customers.

We kindly request your continuous interest and support in 'TmaxGAIA' as we strive to become a leading company in the no-code platform market. We promise to prioritize our customers and endeavor to deliver better solutions.

Our Business

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​Research Personnel

90 Engineers

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Business Field

Office/Document Management SW, App Development SW



An all-in-one collaboration platform that focuses on document writing, editing, managing, and collaborating


A cloud environment, no-code app development platform that is capable of UI planning, data connection, design, and code management


TmaxGAIA is expanding its client references of establishing integrated platforms for public institutions and companies, demonstrating its technological capabilities and business strengths.


Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education

Establishing a customized cloud-based integrated platform for tailored collaboration environments


Republic of Korea Army

Establishing a cloud-based intelligent (AI) data integration management platform

Recent News

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[디지털문서 인사이트]다큐먼트에서 다큐먼트 앱의 시대로

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[디지털문서 인사이트]문서 중심 협업이 중요해지는 시대

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티맥스티베로·티맥스오피스, 과기부 주최 SW 프리 마켓 페어 참가

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