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TmaxWAPL is an IT solution company that provides a next-generation all-in-one collaboration solution, a social networking platform, and a Total Life Care platform.

TmaxWAPL provides a new communication and collaboration solution that connects people and technology. We are leading the collaboration tool solution market with cloud-based AI and various app services linked with metaverse.


WAPL isn't just about collaboration. We discover new values between people and data, and integrate them to our services in order to innovate work and life.


WAPL aims to become an all-in-one collaboration service, and a Total Life Care platform, expanding from social networking services, rather than being a simple communication service,


WAPL provides a hyper-personalized service that is based on AI and metaverse technology. A service full of freedom and creativity.

Through WAPL, anyone can create one's personal brand and values based off hyper-personalization. 


Tmax WAPL will be the market leader in collaboration tools and social networking. We appreciate all the continuous interest and support, and we will be a reputable and trustworthy company, always communicating with our clients.

Our Business

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Research Personnel

80% of our employees are researchers

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Business Field


Total customer​s

Collaboration Solutions
SNS, Life Care Platform




An integrated collaboration tool that provides various collaboration features: messaging, video conferencing, drive, note, calendar, mail, works, and more.

Talk Solution

WAPL provides an In-App solution composed of Talk Component SDK & API. It provides a differentiated service with data analysis and organization chart synchronization.

Talk Service

WAPL is a platform that provides a convenient and an entertaining new communication method with features such as multi-persona, object talk, Metaverse talk, and hyper-personalized services.


Through MyApp Studio, users create their own apps using metaverse, AI, and new technological components. It is a platform for personal branding where you can express your own identity.


A platform where you can relate and interact with others who have common favorite celebrities.


A platform where users can communicate with others with topics they want.


A personalized DB that recommends what users need the most based on the collected information from using SuperApp.


A platform in which the system analyzes users' information, and finds the most adaquate information for them for better living.


A platform that analyzes all user activities and records them as a diary.


Tmax WAPL is a certified solution with over 600 customer references in a wide range of areas, including the public, financial institutions, and enterprises.


Korea Postal Service Agency

The official communication channel of the university voluntary team 'Pocus On'


Chungnam National University

Establishing an AI Chatbot-based messenger platform



Establishing a digital collaborative environment for a nationwide franchise management

Recent News

티맥스와플, '2021 굿디자인 어워드'
우수 디자인 선정

bhc 디지털 협업 환경 구축

티맥스와플, 충남대 소통 강화 및 학사 운영 효율성 실현


Tmax Sunae Tower, 29 Hwangsaeul-ro 258beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

Product Purchase Inquiries: 031-8018-1111 | Technical Service Center: 1544-8629 | Representative number: 031-8018-9300

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